There are a little over half of the OLL algorithms on this page.
This page has them grouped by similar movements that I find make them easy to remember. These movements are often called triggers. The common ones are "sexy move" with is (R U R' U') and "sledgehammer" which is (R' F R F'). I have also added one I'm calling "semi-sexy move" which is similar to "sexy move" but with the U face moving the same way the whole time (eg. R U R' U). The algorithms will be colored whenever a trigger takes place and will count for all variations (eg. Sexy move can be R U R' U', with the left hand L' U' L U, backwards, U R U' R' and a few other combinations.) Although some variations may look quite different the general movements are the same. The numbers correspond with those on the SpeedSolving database. Please feel free to use the video guides for a visual on some and click the buttons below for the full list of OLLs as well as PLLs |
PDF is of Full OLL list and not grouped like this webpage.
"Sexy Move" algorithms
"Helicopter" Algorithms (Algorithms with only R F and B moves)
"Sexy Move" "Sledgehammer" algorithms
Set up moves + "Sexy Move" Algorithms
"Semi-Sexy Move" Algorithms
"Multi-Layer Sexy Move" Algorithms
Multi-Layer + "Sexy Move" Algorithms
M-slice Algorithms